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Membership Plan

The Membership Plan resource is a collection of settings and conditions according to which customers can gain access to restricted content, products, and member-only discounts, among other benefits. This resource is described in the WooCommerce Memberships plugin. For more details, see the WooCommerce Memberships Plans documentation.

Other Membership Resource

In addition to Membership Plans, there is another resource that can be accessed in the Zapier Integration:

Only available if the WooCommerce Memberships plugin is installed

You may choose Membership Plan or User Membership in the interface without installing the WooCommerce Memberships plugin, however, the functionality will not work without WooCommerce Memberships, which is sold separately by WooCommerce.

The minimum required WooCommerce Memberships version is 1.25.0.

WooCommerce Zapier Plugin Version 2.10 Required

Please ensure you update the WooCommerce Zapier plugin to version 2.10.0 to use this functionality.

Trigger Rules

The following trigger rules are available to activate your Zaps when membership plan data in your WooCommerce store is added, changed, or deleted.

Membership Plan Created

Triggers when a new membership plan is created.

Membership Plan Deleted

Triggers when a membership plan is deleted (trashed).

Only the ID field is available

Due to limitations in how WooCommerce handles deleted events, only the ID of the deleted resource is sent to Zapier when using this trigger rule. No other data fields are available.

Membership Plan Restored

Triggers when a previously trashed membership plan is restored from the trash.

Membership Plan Updated

Triggers when a membership plan is updated/edited/changed/modified, including when a plan is created, changes status, or is restored from the trash.

Actions and Searches

Only the search action can be used in your Zaps with the membership plans resource.

Find Membership Plan

Searches for an existing Membership Plan in WooCommerce. Does not support creation.

Tip: Search Sort Order

Searches return the first result found, and make it available in your Zap’s subsequent action step.

Each search has a default sort order, so when defining your Search step, you can use the Order and Orderby fields to choose (for example) whether the most recent result or the oldest result is returned from your search.

Search Input Fields

Membership Plan Id string Limit search by ID.
Name string Limit results to those with the specified plan name.
Order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending.
Orderby string Sort collection by object attribute.

Membership Plan Data

Id integer Unique identifier of the membership plan.
Name string Membership plan name.
Slug string Membership plan slug.
Status string Membership plan status.
Access Method string Membership plan access method.
Has Subscription boolean Marks a membership plan that has at least one subscription product that can give access upon purchase.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Has Subscription Installment boolean Marks a membership plan whose duration is not bound to a tied subscription, but where the subscription handles installment billing.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Access Product Ids array List of products that can grant access to the membership plan.
Access Length Type string Duration type of the membership.
Subscription Access Length integer Membership plan access duration in seconds, when tied to a subscription.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Subscription Access Length Type string Duration type of the membership plan when access is tied to a subscription.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Access Length integer Membership plan access duration in seconds.
Access Start Date date-time The date when access will start, in the site timezone.
Access End Date date-time The set date when access will end for fixed-length membership plans, in the site timezone.
Subscription Access Start Date date-time The date when access will start, when tied to a subscription, in the site timezone.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Subscription Access End Date date-time The set date when access will end for fixed-length membership plans tied to a subscription, in the site timezone.
Only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed.
Date Created date-time The date when the membership plan was created, in the site timezone.
Date Modified date-time The date when the membership plan was last updated, in the site timezone.
Meta Data array Membership plan additional meta data.
Meta Data → Id integer Meta ID.
Meta Data → Key string Meta key.
Meta Data → Value any Meta value.

Some fields are only available if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed

The following membership plan fields are available only if the Woo Subscriptions plugin is installed:

  • Has Subscription
  • Has Subscription Installment
  • Subscription Access Length
  • Subscription Access Length Type
  • Subscription Access Start Date
  • Subscription Access End Date

If Woo Subscriptions is not installed, these fields will not be available.

Data Fields May Differ in Your WooCommerce Store

WooCommerce Zapier utilises WooCommerce’s REST API. Data field names, descriptions, and values can vary from one WooCommerce store to another.

Your store’s data, fields, and trigger rules may differ from this documentation due to any of the following:

  • WordPress versions and the locale/language used.
  • Your WooCommerce versions and the features enabled.
  • Your active WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions.
  • Any custom code that overrides or changes how the WooCommerce/WordPress REST API operates.

Note: The field definitions are generated using the following settings:

  • WordPress v6.4 with the en_US locale.
  • WooCommerce v8.5 with tax and coupon functionality enabled.
  • The WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Memberships, and Woo Subscriptions plugins were active.